Newsletter June 2023

Jun 1, 2023 | Newsletters

Pharmalys celebrated the International Clinical Trials Day on May 20th (Clinical Trials Day), and dedicated it to Africa’s!!
The development and maintenance of a reliable and resilient clinical research ecosystem is of the utmost importance, especially in Low and Middle Income countries (LMICs), where there are clear needs;


(i) to expand clinical research capabilities,

(ii) to strengthen the infrastructure (e.g., regulatory bodies, ethical committees, clinical sites and laboratories)

(iii) to promote compliance with international standards for health research,

(iv) to build clinical research supply chain systems

(v) to train and employ a highly qualified workforce with the ultimate goal to improve health based on evidence gathered from clinical trials

(vi) to better serve the underserved with strong data to inform policy makers and regulators


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These last 2 months have been very fruitful at Pharmalys!


We launched a meeting dedicated to Pharmalys employees, that we called Pharmalys Voice so that every voice at Pharmalys can be heard.  We submitted an abstract about the capacity building projects we are delivering within several international consortiums for oral presentations or e-poster presentations at the 11th EDCTP forum which will take place this year in November in Paris. And last but not least, we have been involved in the management of a clinical trial on the recently registered malaria vaccine in Ghana, which is a great achievement towards our goal for better health, and more specifically for children health in this case.

Pharmalys Voice


Among Pharmalys key values, team spirit and collaborative work are pivotal. In March 2023, we created a periodic team gathering called Pharmalys Voice. Our concept is simple: give the floor to the team. Pharmalys Voice takes place every 3 months.To foster open communication, a Pharmalys Voice chair is chosen from the team, including junior staff, giving them the opportunity to speak in public.


Topics that are discussed are those suggested by the team and cover professional life aspects such as concerns, difficulties, successes, questions, requests for advices, explanations about a specific study, etc. Giving employees an opportunity to express themselves, to share information with their colleagues and the management team and to make everyone feel part of a larger team is of the utmost importance to us as many Pharmalys employees work remotely.


It allows people not to feel isolated, by giving them the feeling they are part of a dynamic group, moving in the same One Direction, with the same goals.


Although people felt a bit shy during this first session, the feedback received so far on Pharmalys Voice n°1 was very positive, encouraging us to go on with this initiative. Listen to employees’ testimonials about their working experience at Pharmalys here: here.


11th European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) Forum


Pharmalys will participate as a sponsor in the next EDCTP Forum, which will take place as a hybrid event on 7-10 November 2023 in Paris, France. This event provides an international platform for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge research addressing the burden of poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa and the capacity development and networking activities that support this goal. The theme of this upcoming Forum is “Partnering for Global Health Research Innovation and Impact in Africa – Celebrating EDCTP: two decades and beyond”.


Pharmalys submitted an abstract to the review board about our EDCTP2 funded capacity building and strengthening of regulatory bodies and ethics committees in 7 sub-Sahara African countries.


At Pharmalys, we contribute to sustaining the ecosystem for clinical trials in Africa, while (i) working with health and research authorities, ethics committees, (ii) reinforcing clinical research standards of health staff, (iii) auditing laboratories on a regular basis in order to ensure they are applying Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP), to build the needed operations and governance capabilities. Last but not least, we are also contributing to provide a qualified workforce by investing in developing clinical research professionals who can manage complex and GCP compliant clinical trials in Africa.


Read more about our Capacity building services and solutions here: Capacity Building


ERECIS Clinical trials workshop: Enhancing the Regulatory and Ethics Capacities In Swaziland. Workshop delivered by Pharmalys to members of Eswatini Health and Human Research Review Board  (EHHRRB) and Medicine Regulatory Authority  (MRA). Mbabane, Eswatini, May 2021.
Ghana first country to approve ‘world-changer’ malaria vaccine – Pharmalys was in!


A new malaria vaccine called R21/Matrix-M is about to change the burden of this deadly disease. The vaccine is approved for use in children aged 5 to 36 months, the age group at highest risk of death from malaria (Welcome to Ghana Food And Drugs Authority | Home (


“This marks a culmination of 30 years of malaria vaccine research at Oxford with the design and provision of a high efficacy vaccine that can be supplied at adequate scale to the countries who need it most. I congratulate our superb clinical trial partners in Africa who have generated the dataset supporting the safety and efficacy of the vaccine in children.”


said Professor Adrian Hill, Chief investigator, R21/Matrix-M programme, and Director of the University of Oxford’s Jenner Institute at the Nuffield Department of Medicine The Jenner Institute, where the vaccine was initially designed and developed.


Pharmalys team has been involved in the management of R21/ Matrix-M clinical development since the phase II studies.Marieme Ba, CEO of Pharmalys, and her team are very happy and proud to have managed and monitored these studies, collecting these crucial data. Read more about our Clinical Operations services here:  here:


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