The Côte d’ivoire Ethics Capacity Building Initiative (CECaBI) is a consortium of different partners whose objectives are to strengthen the knowledge and skills of the senior members of the National Ethics Committee for Life Sciences and Ivorian Authorities of Pharmaceutical Regulation (Autorités Ivoiriennes de Régulation Pharmaceutique (AIRP)), on how to conduct high-quality ethics reviews, ensure optimal protection of research participants, and effectively manage and coordinate clinical trials.
Pharmalys is part of this initiative. As such, Karim Bagaté, Director of Clinical Operations & Safety delivered a capacity building programme in Côte d’Ivoire in 2023. The training was delivered in two parts. The first one, in March 2023, was about the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines and site inspection. The second part, in October 2023 was a refresher on GCP with very practical exercises and workshops and a site inspection visit.
Access the full video recording of the Implementation Research webinar.
Dear all, We are pleased to kick off the new year by sharing the video recording and key information from the CREDO webinar we organised on Implementation Research at the end of last year. With 287 registrations, the event underscored the strong interest from...